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The new Alfa Transaxle site...

Post by Michael »

Hey guys.

First off, I'm sure you will have noticed that GTV6.ORG disappeared from the web about a week ago :( . I don't own that domain nor am technical contact for it so I can only speculate as to the cause of the disappearance. Geoff White of, who does own that domain name was very generous in supporting the site all these years and I truly appreciate his efforts and hope that everything is okay with him and! Since I have been unable to contact Geoff, I thought it best to ship the contents of the site to this new server at this new domain. I have almost completed the task of migrating the content from to - but there might still be bad links where code was hard coded to the domain. If you come across any, please let me know

Dealing with the old forum was one of the biggest challenges. I decided not to use the old discus style forum principally because the version I was using does not support several important administrative features which this (rather fantastic) phpBB does support. phpBB is open source and is free of charge and well secured which were also deciding factors. phpBB will also be much faster than the old forum (especially as the forum continues to grow) because it uses a SQL database instead of indexed text files which the Discus used. Anyway, the good news is that we still have access to the old forum posts at:
I believe it to be too daunting to actually import the old messages into this new forum so having the old forum available as a reference seems to be the best compromise. Note that posting has been disabled there since the user accounts etc have not been migrated and I'd like to encourage the use of this new forum :D The old forum IS searchable though which is so important given the goldmine of Alfa information posted by users through the years.

The new Alfa Classifieds script is linked and should be functional now. Let me know if you encounter any issues with posting ads there please.

Lastly, please let everyone in the Alfa Transaxle community know where we are now!

Things will continue to change here (including the old graphic ... let me know if someone can help me out with some logo design work since I'd like to replace this graphic with something just as nice as the original).

Cheers and I hope everyone enjoys this new site and forum!!

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