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Misuse of refresh

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:01 pm
by Alfaross69
I had a long winded topic written out on site issues, I lost my internet connection and when reconnected I went to "refresh" to reestablish my new topic's connection, it dumped it all. Therefore I will not try fix anything (there are needs) on this website as this seems to a problem with bulletin boards there is no autosave draft feature! In the middle of a topic if you want to check out something(as in one of the other posts) to finish the topic you must open a new screen,don't expect to negoiate thru the site thinking you can get back to where you were. I have lost so many posts due to this. Why should I bother since the other end doesn't care?.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:28 pm
by Michael
First off, phpBB (on which this forum is built) does not have an auto save feature - the data is only appended to the database when you click 'submit' (and the transaction is successfully committed). Before then, the text is entrusted to your local machine. phpBB is ‘industry standard’ and, I imagine the auto save customization to be technically very difficult to implement as well as bandwidth intensive.
In view of this, I suggest writing your post in NotePad or some other sort of text editor on your local machine (instead of in the web browser). The advantages of this are that you will not lose your post when losing an Internet connection and you will be free to browse around the forum as needed whilst writing your post. Just copy and paste the text into this Forum when you are ready.

Also, get Broadband :D if you can (Cable/DSL) - the connection is 100 times more reliable.
