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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:50 am
by bmacf
I just took an air temp sensor (and AFM harness connector) from a spare Milano AFM, plugged it into the side of a 3" aluminum intake tube, and connected it all to the Milano wiring harness where it connects to the AFM. Seems to work fine, but I don't know if the calibration is correct. Looks like I better read up on that.

I heard (here in the US) that a GM air temp sensor works fine.

Bill in Maryland

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:41 am
by bmacf
Anybody have an MSNS-e fuel map for an Alfa V6 I could use?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:43 pm
by bmacf
OK, I've got a "decode MS" question. What the heck is GEGO? I'm looking at my datalogs in MSLLV and its got the GEGO line. I had always assumed it was the reading from the O2 sensor, but MSLLV has a separate line for that.

Ahhh, the more you learn about MS, the less you know.

Bill in Maryland