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Modifications required on L-Jet=>MS conversion

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:39 am
by Jose_76
Hi all,

I've read that some modifications are required to install the MS I V2.2 on my L-Jet GTV6. I've been told that I must do the following:

1. Substitute R10 and install a 1K6 ohm resistor instead.
2. Substitute the 1N4001 diode and install a 1N4004 instead.
3. Substitute C12 (0.001 uF) for a 0.01uF one.
4. Change R4 and R7 (2k49) for 2k2 resistors.
5. On step 54 (assembly guide) do not jump, but wire XG1 to the L-jet box.
6. Do not install D7, D22 and D23 diodes.

If I don't install those diodes, do I have to jump the circuit or leave it open?

What else do I have to do??? :?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:29 am
by David

Follow Steve Rosser's MS install in the Technical Section and you should have no problems. The only change I would suggest is the mod I suggested to the fuel pump circuit as this will ensure the fuel pump stops after a few seconds if the engine is not running.


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:37 am
by Jose_76
Where can I find that suggestion of yours?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:19 am
by Jose_76
Ok, I found the post. Thanks :wink:

Now I have more problems...

I couldn't find a 1K6 resistor for R10, the closest was 1K5 ohm. Is it enough?
I couldn't find 1N4004 either, I just got a 1N4007. Is there a problem with fitting this?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:09 am
by Steve R
Hi Jose,

a 1k5 will be fine - it's pretty approximate, I've heard of people using 10k and above for R10 !

Re the Diode, if unsure just go with the stock 1n4001, my 1n4004 suggestion was just a change to beef it up a bit, most people run fine with the 4001 in place.


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:39 am
by Jose_76
Ok, I'll put the 1K5 and see if it gets too hot.

As I've been told that I can fit any diode over 400v, I'll put the 1N4007 and see... :wink: