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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:29 am
by matt
:lol: Umm yep that was a bit depressing.......... :lol:

Don't feel bad Ben and hell don't stop taking the piss.........

its a great dynamic, demanding, challenging and exciting industry 8)

here a fun pic to up lift the mood

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:50 am
by joey
la_strega_nera wrote:Some interesting notes on F22 combat performance.... they've been benchmarking it in air combat trials agains f15s, and not a single "kill" by the 15s have been scored against the 22... ie single f22 splashes 4 f15s before they can target him...
Thats great and all, but what does that mean in the present world order? Not much i would hazard.

Pretty expensive way to play sabre-rattling over china, perhaps a good thing then that the F22 programme got cut. Anyone have an idea of how this aircraft preforms against the su-37? okay, i forget the proper russian designation, but i mean the real life thrust-vectoring super flanker and not the s37 berkut or whatever their take on the "f22-beater" is...

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:11 am
by MD
Don't know what you blokes are goin' on about. I take my little beauty out everyday unless it's raining..

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:17 pm
by SydneyJules
This is far-ken hilarious!

Jeez Matt how do you know all of this? Im emailing you now!!!

Matt youre completely right- about it all. Im actually doing my CPL next week... gonna do my ATPLs and try for QANTAS cadets at the end of this year.... regardless, I will have my IFR early next year, and just head up north...

mean while, i have friends up North who are already telling me they can help with jobs, which is great- one in Alice (Baron- but I need 400hrs TT), one in Jabiru (200TT), and one possible out of Horn Island (pretty much Fresh). All VFR, so as I have no instrument rating, will probably take one up on an offer come Aug-Sept. or ASAP after that....meanwhile I will hit the Coffs Skydivers up in two weeks and a charter company here for some Warrior or Partenavia stuff... maybe get a Chieftain endorsement if I can scrape the cash together.

The F-22 will absolutely cream anything it faces, including the Berkut which has had its flying program stopped.

The matured SU-37 series and its K-13 missiles posses, along with the Rafael Python 4 (Israel), amazing off boresight capability, but the true nature of the F-22 allows it to cruise on military thrust at 40k+ feet and Mach 1.5+ choosing who it wants to engage. Add to that an instantaneous turn rate to embarrass an F-16, and a sustained turn rate to match one, its obviously worthy of the air dominance fighter name.

That said, the idea of being strapped in to a big jet with 60k lbs of thrust and the ability to stand it on its tail and point it where you want means the Flanker will always be the pilot's aircraft... i love em! Gone are the days, though, of a big fighter with heaps of thrust, and just man and machine... the FA-18s fly themself off a carrier....

But it's not like they have heaps of anything... I chatted to an FA-18C and an F-14D guy on the Indy in Sydney harbour when I was about 15, and got them arguing about who's job was harder!

The F-14D guy said something like "It's not like you fly it, anyway- you ask the computer, and if it says OK, then you can!"

Zambon, and Matt, if the commercial stuff is stale in two years time I will just go back and do the RAAF exams again (did some once, and chickened out halfway through).

The best it could get in Australia is belting an F-111 around at treetop. Anyday of the week!

Barry... the B-2 is one horn A/C isnt it? I like the original twin pusher prop that Northrop used to originally vindicate the shape... it's since been restored and now resides @ Edwards AFB if I am correct.

MD- get real with that thing- it needs canard foreplanes, thrust vectoring and artificial stability before it's classified a real machine in my book!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:50 pm
by SydneyJules
A piccie of the ramp at Coffs Harbour, one of our Duchess aircraft, VH-MVG, at sunrise, while the Air Niugini cadets scurried around preflighting for an instrument training flight, I was busy thinking about what food to put in my stomach!

We have one cadet who is obsessed with Canyon Runs and strafing, so, in true modification form, we are looking at welding some pylons onto the under side of the wings, fitting a car battery, and two lemon cannons, so we can wreak havoc and destruction on the surrounding area.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:22 pm
by Barry
Jules,theses were aparently taken at an airshow at Edwards..First time detailed pics of it were allowed on take off and in fleight..

Also a first was the bomb doors open ..

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:26 pm
by Barry
Found an Aussie site with wonderfull links to all sorts of aviation stuff..

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:29 pm
by Barry
:D Im referring to the b2 pics above btw....

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:51 pm
by zambon
My choice for best discovery channel wings topic:

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:03 am
by Barry
:D Now Jules,if ever your offered a real crap job,this is how you show your displeasure.......

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:35 am
by fedezyl
Well I don't know how I somehow missed this post, yesterday was my first flight after a 36 day vacation, wow I can tell you it's nice, haha, kinda missed flying after 2 weeks of inactivity, what was certainly odd was to go flying a Piper Cub about 3 weeks ago, going from 140kts on final to 50 mph is certainly weird, by the way, nice pics, reminds me of the days I was flying in the U.S. and going to airshows, definetely the U.S. is THE pilots country by excelence! and well, unless you are flying a 737-200 or 300 yep, it's pretty much auto flight nowadays, damn there are talks about changing the 737 fleet to Airbus 320's now...yuck..bye bye hand flying..

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:00 am
by Barry
F,Was it not an Airbus a few years back in France that kept on with it `s landing after a low level pass and crashed in the woods??
Killed all on board if I remember correctly?
This was put down to computors insisting the aircraft land for some reason.. :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:21 am
by fedezyl
Yes, some kind of computer gremlin kept the aircraft from applying go around thrust...since, basically the autothrottle is on all the time, you just move the throttles into given detents, it just put out enough thrust to maintain that angle of attack and speed I guess, Airbuses have something called Alpha floor that in case you screw up it basically executes a go around maneuver, that is applying full power and about a 15ยบ pitch up attitude...anyways...that's the thing I don't really like about them, I know with boeing that if I push a button I really have the flight controls...but...on the other hand the Airbus series are very quiet and burn little fuel, the A340-200 and 300 are crap with it's very small engines, you should see them taking off from here when they fly direct to Madrid, 12 hours worth of fuel plus passengers and cargo...and we are at sea level...very poor the -600 is another story.. hehe

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:06 am
by Greg Gordon
Matt's absolutely right about pilot pay. I am a pilot at the 4th highest paying airline in the U.S. and I make less then a NYC subway operator.
Greg Gordon

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:45 pm
by Mats
zambon wrote:My choice for best discovery channel wings topic:
A few years ago the project I was in took me inside the Saab Arospace factory here in Sweden, first day I came through the gates and drove down to the factory. When we got closer I realized they had a fighter jet strapped down outside and right when we got out of the car they floored it and ran it at full afterburner for what seemed like an eternity. That was quite an experience. :D
It was the final test for this absolute virgin Gripen. :twisted:

They pressed wing sections for the new huge airbus about 10 meters from were we worked. very cool to see the shape grow out of a flat piece of metal pulled down over a die. They also milled pieces of the wing load bearing assembly out of billet aluminum, and it was a huge part and what looked like 99% scrap metal. :shock: