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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:20 am
by Mats
learning by doing....wrong. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:37 pm
by Jim K
Yeah, and paying a lot too!
You ready for the real good (sofar classified)part of the story? :lol:
Here we were doing 190kph, and a shitty Fiat Croma...TD passed us doing ~195. The driver (~50+)had one hand on the wheel and the other around the a very nice looking girl. The guy I was travelling with, another greek Alfa nut, says: Damn, look what just passed us a &%$#@ taxi!!! (cabs are mostly TD in Greece). And the driver looked really-really relaxed! Let'em have it! So, I speed up and pass the guy (~197?) Sure enough, he speeds up and passes us, still very relaxed! 8)
My car could do (at the time 210kph max-calibrated speedo. So, we figure in our infinite wisdom to beat the crap out of the arrogant 'taxi driver' once and for all: we'd wait for the next autostrada crest and since he'd go over it ~50m ahead of us, we'd use the crest to our advantage and pass them on our way down! Heheh! Fiat goes over the crest and so do we, I floor it (pinging loudly at over 6Krpm!). The strategy works, we pass the mother slowly going downhill at 210+ and right amidst the hollering and laughing and pinging...everything behind me went black and we froze! :oops: :cry: The 'taxi driver' is probably still laughing at the greek gtv that blew up not 50m in front of him! :lol:
Well, that stopped the pinging all right and we had to do more than 600km on 3 cylinders. On level ground we could do ~120kph, but on the slightest crest we dropped to 2nd gear!!
Upon return home, I checked up on the damn Croma TD and the *&%$# was good for about 200kph-figures!
Go ahead and laugh, I went back 2-3 times after that with the new engine but I guess the mother was too chicken to show up! :lol:
Thats astory I'll never forget! :P
Jim K.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:39 pm
by Barry
Dear Jim,
I have a race car.Untill yesterday it was my road car.But i wanted a race car instead.I read your reply with excitement.I could have my race car and eat it.I have advanced my timing a little like you said.I dont know how much cause I just turned the thingy by hand untill it stopped.I also wanted the toluene stuff .It was too expensive so I got parrafin instead.Worried about what you said about the pipes,I poured it onto the engine instead.(This should work ok,right?)
My problem is the following.I cannot start my new race car.It goes jowhh-duff!Everytime.I think your idea is maybe not so good.Can you please help.You can start by sending me your race car instead.If you want mine ,you can have it for free.I think the parrafin has also cleaned the engine nice for you.Please put extra toluene in the boot for me.Thanks for your help,Barry

*For the super sensitive out there,this is a serious bit of dialogue.*

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:42 am
by Mats


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:43 am
by Jim K
As long as you mention the word 'race' somewhere in your post, it is legal in this thread! So, this is legal!
Ok Barry, after giving your idea a lot of thought, I concluded that your unreasonable actions must be a psychological consequence of severe constipation but don't worry, its nothing serious. If you guzzle down 1 or 2 pints of the paraffin you used on the engine I guarantee you'll be as good as new in about 20 minutes! During that time, try not to stray too far away from a well-vented high-capacity explosion-proof toilet! In an emergency, any open manhole on the street will do-please verify nobody is down there before filling with your disgusting biodegradable waste! :lol: Oh, and remove pants first (if all else fails, read the instructions!)
Now, about your race car, you can start by buying a 55-gallon drum of Vaseline and proceed to completely coat the car with it. Remove any sharp or pointed objects protruding and take a crash course in Yoga/contortionism. Remember the people who swallow swords? Well, you don't have a sword and you don't have to use your mouth :twisted:
Jim K.

Damn! We must rate for some Nobel prize, at least! :lol:

Site feedback

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:23 am
by MD
Stuff you lot. I am investing in a well greased TD taxi and race you on the autobahn. If its action you want, come and get it !
Knowing how far out all your timing is, by the time you get there, I will have vanished like a fa*t but that's life in the fast lane when you drive a TD taxi and a hot wench is nibbling on your left ear.

(Just loved the story Jim)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:55 am
by Jim K
Yeah well, stories about suicidal greeks and constipated Sarf Efricans are nice, but we ought to go play in the "Other" topic thread, seeing how Mats hasn't reamed our a*ses yet for, cross-posting! :lol:
Why do you want to grease the cab? Afraid of what you'd have to do after losing a race? :shock:
Jim K.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:16 am
by Mats
JimGreek wrote: ... try not to stray too far away from a well-vented high-capacity explosion-proof toilet!
Yeah, make sure it's Kevlar-lined...

Jim, that story make me think about all those trips through Germany and being passed on the Autobahn by every rustbucket you can think of, VW Passat from around mid eighties seems to be the weapon of choise for those bastars. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:23 am
by Jim K
Other half of story Mats? What were you driving and got blown away by a...PISSAT? :lol:
Jim K.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:32 am
by Barry
Well ,We do all still have a sense of humour after all....Its good for the soul........

Talking of race cars ,guys-Anyone looked at the torsional rigidity of "our"cars compared to more modern Alfas,say the 147gta??I have this theory that stock for stock the old 116 does not seem any worse than the 147...I have raced -let me correct that-I have driven both on the track in std. and race trim,I believe there would be very little in them if any.
Go on, mats.....What do you think??

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:24 am
by Jim K
Alfa torsional rigidity my brass! Have you ever driven a Seat Leon, let alone a Mitsu VI?? :cry: And I'm not talking power here! If you can really compare the stock 116 to the 147, its unfathomable AR is still in business! :shock:
Jim K.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:53 am
by Barry
Well,is my arse up in flames!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:03 am
by Jim K
Naaah, I just envy the bastards, both my 75's have a roll cage (and it ain't rubber,either!) and when I drive those mothers, MAN, they're SOLID! :cry:
Jim k.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:06 am
by Jim K
Sorry I wasn't too clear, I'm referring to the stock non-Alfas being solid.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:57 am
by zambon
Isnt Seat Leon mostly just a rebadged VW four door Golf with some tuning? Not that that is such a bad thing...