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methanol injection...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:31 pm
by GarthW
I'm thinking about going Methanol injection sometime next year...

Would have it come on when a certain boost level is reached, would be great for hot days, especially on the track..

Would be good having that kick in halfway down the qtr!

Anyone here run Meth injection before..?


Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:33 pm
by MR2 Zig
see Greg Gordons writings regarding water methanol injection and knock surpression....IT WORKS :D


Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:19 pm
by Greg Gordon
Thanks Zig.

Garth, I have done a huge amount of research on this issue, both academic and practical. Water/Methanol injection is hugely effective at reducing knock, more so than any amount of intercooling, and more than any combination of intercooling and a rich mixture. I think the section on water injection ended up as the largest part of my book on supercharging.

Greg Gordon,

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:01 pm
by GarthW
Aha thats excellent! Thankyou Greg and MR2, thats what i want to hear!! :D

Although i'm running a knock sensor, the meth inj would be great for the odd 18-20psi dash!! Or the odd sprint around the racetrack...

All i can say is next year the Alfa will be a rocket!! :twisted:

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:17 pm
by Duk
Garth, are you talking straight methanol injection or water and methanol injection?

Just a little bit of worthwhile info:
Methanol is carcinogenic :!: , absorbs/mixes with water (obviously), has a lovely corrosive effect on aluminium that it is in contact with for any decent length of time (like a tank), and can cause injectors to become clogged.

It would also be illegal (at least as straight methanol) to use on public roads, even in a supplementary roll.

Other than the down sides, the up sides are huge 8) .

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:36 pm
by Greg Gordon
There is no practical reason to use straight methanol injection. A water/methanol mix has been proven to be superior.

If you use a pump that's not rated for methanol, it will almost certainly fail if it's in contact with methanol or a water/meth mix. However many systems out there, and all systems from Coolingmist have methanol compatible pumps. The injectors are usually brass, nickel plated steel, or stainless. I have never seen one corrode.

I think these corrosion issues are from people putting systems together with parts from the local plumbing store without a real understanding of what they are doing. If you buy a system from a decent manufacturer and follow the instructions you shouldn't have a problem.

Greg Gordon,

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:05 pm
by slyalfa
Call me crazy but I think that blue windscreen stuff you get at the auto place can be used just as is. As far as I know the main need for methanol is to keep it from freezing.
the 2nd is if you use a whole lot it might not get all converted to steam and the methanol helps with this. but I would think if only used under boost that would not happen. but if used NA it can.

This is all from memory so take it for what it is worth.

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:47 pm
by Greg Gordon
I have a huge section on this exact topic in my book. All the data comes from NACA, and I don't think there is a higher source on this subject. Straight water works very well provided it can't freeze. Water/methanol provides even more knock protection.

Certain windshield washer fluids can be used. Some provide a very good bang for buck. However, some contain additives you don't want. Depending on my needs I use one of two different type of windshield washer fluid. One contains about 40% methanol and one about 25%. The trick is figuring out what each type contains. It's actually pretty easy and explained in my book.

Greg Gordon,

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:54 pm
by GarthW
Yeah H2o for sure. My mechanic has done before, will great results, guys this isnt coming from an 18yr old, tried and proven methods. Like Greg said, alot of people just put together anything without thinking of material properties.

I would only use it for the track, trust me she dont need it for the street!!

I've just recently had eye surgery on my right eye, so havent driven my baby in over a delay with more footage...

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:14 pm
by Greg Gordon
Hi Garth,

Best of luck recovering from surgery. I would use it on the street too, it's cheap insurance. The cost of water from a tap with a filter on it is so low it just makes sense to use the system all the time.


Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:00 am
by Mats
Greg Gordon wrote:Hi Garth,

Best of luck recovering from surgery. I would use it on the street too, it's cheap insurance. The cost of water from a tap with a filter on it is so low it just makes sense to use the system all the time.

The Alfa 155 Q4 had a water injection system fitted as standard so why not, it was never designed to run on the track.

Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:19 am
by Greg Gordon
At least one type of Saab had it as well. I didn't know Alfa used it, I learn something new here all the time.


Re: methanol injection...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:03 pm
by GarthW
Thanks Greg, yeah your right, all the time would be better, and would only come on at high boost.. :wink: