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Turn signal relay question

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:49 pm
by AlfaRomeo1750
Hey folks,

I have an 81 GTV-6, and the turn signal relay no longer works... I can smack the relay with my finger and it will flicker the lights but on its own ... nothing happens.. save for turning on the green light in the gauge.

That being said... without looking I swapped in a turn signal relay from an 84 and of course it didnt work... my relay has only 3 prongs... and is round...

The ones on the later GTV-6's are square and have 4 prongs....

I have not seen replacement for these any where... any suggestions on how to over come this problem???

the car is almost ready for the road again... and needs this silly thing to be drivable.

Thanks folks


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:27 am
by powderhoundcd
I haven't tried any of these, but according to the Schuck's Website, at least one of these should fit. ... rs&ptset=A
