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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:56 pm
by MD
Hey Z man. I think sitting on a goilet termination would certainly keep your eyeballs pointing in the right direction if you were having any microsleep tendencies at the wheel !! :D

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:52 pm
by Jim K
Hey guys! How about we all pitch in and send MD on a loooong vacation somewhere, or at least get him laid (we'll find some...thing)!!! That oughta fix his case! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jim K.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:09 pm
by Micke

for the case of a race car Mats is right. Well, 10 km/h is a bit exaggerated maybe.

Anyway, you can calculate from the size of the front opening for the radiatror x speed of car. This makes a rough theoretical CFM and it is enough for any race car going >80 km/h. The fans are simply in the way.
Now, I said theoretical because it is essential to see that air not only gets into the radiator but, at least as important, get out as well.

The case of dimensioning the radiator according to ambient conditions is 120% correct of course.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:32 am
by MD
Geez Micke, I am screwed by science yet again !!

I guess it's a big world out there and everybody does things a little differently.

Time and time again I see see drivers in the cockpit lined up and ready to get onto the track and there is some bird brain official holding up the works for some reason only known to them.

Meanwhile its 38c in the shade and there is more sweat coming off the driver's brow than when he was sprung in bed with the sister-in-law (but I digress). The engines are running and the coolant is flowing (mostly onto the pit lane ) because they have no fan. Meanwhile the official is still pickin' his nose waiting for someone to clean up the oil slick on the track. You look at your temp gauge and its wrapped around the stopper. Don't you wish you had a fan?

...ever been there?

As the say , horses for courses..

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:26 am
by Mats
Sure, I usually turn off the engine... :wink:

Sometimes I let my fan do the work though (I think, see below), but there is no way I need an upgrade radiator machined from billet unobtanium with two 36" fans drawing so much power the engine almost stalls. :P
My radiator is a std size modern core unit with something like a 10" pushing fan of the light variety in front of it. Have never actually seen/heard the fan at work so for all I know it might be broken. Temp control has not been a problem for me, never seen over 95* even in the hottest track days when you loose about 2 kg of weight because you sweat so much.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:03 am
by Micke
Even living here with the polar bears we do have warn summers (not often enough though).

If I have to wait or it looks like it I shut down the engine. Sure, a small fan gan give you comfort but if it helps your temp going 100 then something is wrong.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:54 am
by Mats
By the way, 24 degrees here now. :)