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Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:29 pm
by bteoh
Does anyone know whether the V6 alfa engine's cooling system has magnesium in it? I am using Redline Water Wetter coolant and it's terrific but it says in the technical brochure that it would not protect the engine with magnesium in it. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Climate here in Perth is almost mediterranean and fairly hot in summer.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:53 am
by SamW
I don't think they do from the factory, but there are a few suppliers out there that sell Magnesium plugs for the block with the idea being that chemical/eletrical reaction that eats away at Aluminum will attack Magnesium first, there by protecting the Aluminum. I don't see them for sale anymore, but I think you would be safe, I have been using the Redline Water Wetter for years.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:03 pm
by KenguGo
I think you are right guys! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:19 am
by MD
Coolant Tip
How many times have you seen a beautifull alloy engine on the scrap pile due to overheating? Way too often they prematurely die because the endless bird brains out there, including so called mechanics just use water for the coolant. Now if you live in some lucky part of the planet where the natural water is mineral free and of neutral pH, well keep doing so. As for the rest of the joint, make sure you never use tap water unless it has been demineralised or distilled. Recycling domestic aircondioner condensate is also excellent for this purpose and for topping up batteries. Combine this with a corrosion inhibitor of your choice and add some antifreeze if your area gets frosts. Follow instructions for concentrations for your locality.

But NEVER use tap water unless in an emergency if you want to keep that precious alloy thing in a healthy condition.

BTW if you are in the habit of using a premixed coolant, how do you know that the supplier hasn't used tap water to make up the product? As a rule , you wouldn't. That's why you should always mix your own by using distilled water and a concentrate additive.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:28 am
by Murray
MD - absolutely right.Take some everyday tap water and boil it off and you'll be amazed at the mineral deposits that are left over.I have been using Prestone premix antifreeze which comes as a 50/50 mix.You just pour it in and away you go.When I rebuilt my 2.5L last year the coolant passages were as clean as can be as were the inside of all the hoses so it would seem that they use demineralized water in their mix.