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Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion)

Post by Ryan88a »

Hi guys,

I am new to the forum, great wealth of information on the GTV6...THANKS.

I recently bought a GTV6 from a friend of mine. It was standing for a while, managed to start it and drive it onto the trailer. My friend was the owner from '87, some time ago he did a 2.8 litre "was" mint. Years later lost interest, car stood for a bit.

I plan to bring it back to life, I am thinking about building it to race in Alfa Trofeo! keep it street legal, so I can enjoy my Sunday drives too...Lets see how it goes.

Needs some serious work. I plan to get it mechanically sound, then strip, lighten, rollcage, spray...suspension, brakes...RACE.





Greg Gordon
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Greg Gordon »

I love it! The colors, the wheels, everything.

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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by fedezyl »

Lovely lovely GTV6!!! I'm going to have one in my lifetime for sure! for now the Giulie will have to do....
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by squadragrunn »

super color!, its a bit as what i intended to do :oops:
gtv6 3.0 24v, 164qv 24v, maserati biturbo 2.8 evo, mb 500se, zzr1100d
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Ryan88a »

Thanks for all the comments guys.

Yip...I am really excited to get the car back on the road. My Dad has been helping me. We got it started and idling properly, revs up nice and crisp, motor sounds very strong. I could not drive it, as I need to sort out the brakes. The pedal goes to the ground, I think it is the master cylinder. So I have ordered a new master cylinder and booster.

Here are some pics from when I went to view the car at my friends house, before deciding to buy it. Car barely started, needed fuel, and had a huge engine miss...which I think is an electrical issue...with some fiddling, just went away?

The rims are still original, but I plan a full proper refurb on the rims...needs some of the black plastic centre caps, I think 2 are missing.

Body work is not bad. No visible rust, except in the front wheel arch. Body is faded, no accident damage. Just needs a spray. But thinking of fitting a 3.0l bonnet...and maybe the fibre glass the rear one is warped from sun damage.

Interior still looks good. Centre console is broken, where the radio fits, as robbers broke in and stole the radio. They damaged the centre console and the door lock. Door latch does not catch and door does not stay closed. I think just needs some adjustment?

Engine bay...
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by kevin »

Hi Ryan , I remember about 15yrs ago have a good race with that GTV on Louis Botha , I could not understand why It was so fast until I saw it a few weeks later in for service at Alfa service Centre when Hennie said it was a 2.8 . But it's small world as it was also owned by a brother of a friend of mine (Peter). This is an excellent platform to work from with those compomotives , 2.8 motor , and the 3.0 front spoiler.
Check out joemart track build . But I think critical items to do at moment would be cam belts , fuel lines just to make sure every thing is safe . If you need guys in area jhb to do belts go alfiaauto in wyneberg . Also check out our trofeo racing website for contact numbers under spares.
Drop me a pm and I can get you on the path .
Ps look forward to seen this build .
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Ryan88a »

Hi Kevin,
Yip, it sure is a small world, amazing how close the Alfa family is in South Africa. I am friends with Peter and Mike, I have known them for many years. Peter recently sold his white GTV6, he is very sad.
I have met you before, I was at your place with my friend Roger McFall, you were helping him with some goodies for his build.
After reading through the forum, I see you contribute a lot to the wealth of knowledge on the forum, nice to see you keeping the GTV6 spirit alive...also comforting to know I am not alone in this project.
I'll send you a PM.
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Joemart »

tHi There and welcome

Great to see the car - looks good - I went down a similar road as you have - see "race car prep" marque cars - similar to what you intend doing...A lot with the HUGE help of Kevin R :D

I see u are referring to brakes, so here are a few pointers that will help u down the correct path I hope - I have used the below setup on mine, with no problems -I have done 3 race events as well and still all good!!! - so here goes..

1) Disks are Ferodo which I got from Kevin Strap at AK components in Randburg - he bought quite a few sets a few months back - they are great - (pic attached) - they have heat "paint" on them and I have not gone past the Green markers yet :D
2) Pads - Use ONLY Ferodo BOTh front and rear - I use DS2500 for front and rear and have had NO problems...(pic attached)
3) I had all the seals and overhaul slave cylinder etc - did it at SafetT Break in edenvale - they are VERY good
4) I also got them to do Braided hoses - Pic attached - I recommend that :wink:
5) I use the following brake fluid - "Performance friction" from a guy by name of Mike Bond at International Race supplies - Wynberg NO boiling at all!!
6) I run the STD calipers front and rear!!!

I run a 3.0lt motor and the above set-up works well on mine and have had NO issues - let me know if u need aything -

Good luck!!

If u r interested - Haevy Duty engine mounts - Kevin R can guide u
If u r interested - Haevy Duty engine mounts - Kevin R can guide u
Engine Mounting.JPG (34.07 KiB) Viewed 13641 times
Braided hoses
Braided hoses
Braided Hoses.JPG (31.13 KiB) Viewed 13641 times
Brake pads
Brake pads
Brake PAds.JPG (27.14 KiB) Viewed 13641 times
Front Disks
Front Disks
Brakes front.JPG (34.25 KiB) Viewed 13641 times
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Ryan88a »

thanks Joe! I might ask you for more info at some point.
yip I just came back from Kevin's place. I took like a note pad full of tips. how to do stuff and where to go, and what to do.
Lots and lots of work ahead of me...

busy working through all my notes, gona see what needs to be done first and decide on my plan of action...
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by kevin »

Ryan , it's gonna be a fun journey . Budgets are always an issue . Best thing about Joemart (gtv 3.0) build to track use was he managed to achieve good performance in the brakes department . I initially tried to convince him to upgrade to big brakes etc but due to budgets he kept the same basic set up ( but maximising the components - quality of discs , pads and fluids)which is works perfectly in our racing series here . It would probably be a different story if we did indurance racing .
With the last five gtv builds(mine , nelsons, konrads, Giuseppe and Jose) we always focused first on reliability at the track and it's always been the simple things that can ruin a race day and worse waste an an entry fee especially in these economic times . Were assuming motor is in running condition with service of plugs , filters , oils .
Basically always started with "rubber "perishables ,this could be whole car but i start with the ones that on average will stops a days racing. These are normally " silly" items that can maintained. The one of the few good things in SA is most of the stuff below is fairly cheap to do so most guys in Europe or US will say - geez their is no budget here ! Anyway this is where to start
1) all seals on brake master , clutch master , clutch slave
2) all fuel lines
3) cam belts , alternator belt ( if alternator belt breaks it normally falls into cam belts - disaster)
4) brake lines x 3 , change to braided while at it . See if any caliper leaks and do break upgrade as discussed above . Should do calipers seals now.
5) inspect all prop couplings ( front and rear are main culprits of destruction)
6) radiator hoses if soft ( remove aircon and heater hoses - race/ road car)

Because car has been standing and it's 23 years old and you going to race I would
1) remove and clean fuel tank ( take to silverton - it's cheap)
2) remove radiator ( get silverton to pressure test and check resorvour bottle including cap)
3) remove injectors and service ( I'm sending mine in next week from my new 12v build - JK inspired )
4) check radiator fans are spinning freely and fans turn on at correct temp
5) check broken engine mounts, gearbox mounts
6) replace all fuses and clean contacts with ear buds . ( cheapest job that can ruin a day at track)
7) check steering rubber bush is still in good cond and not popped out - will show you and at same time recheck all bolts on steering column to rack

From here I would say it's safe to take car out onto road with some confidence to then proceed to next steps without setting car on fire or loosing and engine from belt failure, over heating , etc. However would let car idle for a while and get up to temp to see if any water leaks or fuel leaks. Often pipes ,hoses need to be rechecked once first heat cycle goes into them.

Now next phase begins on items that will impact on racing ( gonna start hurting budget now)
1) suspension bushes - change all ( read up on forum) depending on your budget whether going rs racing kit or fit Alfa original or polyurethane ( limit it to castor arm and centre dedion only if do use polyurethane)
2) inspect suspension ball joints and steering rack for play
3) change front wheel bearings and inspect rear bearings
4) choose budgets on shocks , sway bars , watts linkage

Race prep for our series specific( you can start most of this when doing your basic service in the beginning )
1) wire all oil plugs , filters
2) catchment bottles for water and oil breathers, gearbox breather pipe ( see our regs for sizes)
3) install kill switch ext and int
4) mount fire ext in centre behind hand brake ( must be in reach when buckled)
5) wire or install spring clips on dipstick and oil filler cap
6) roll cage - think now where you want to end up with this car but you can do a combination of a welded in rear section behind driver with bolt in on front . It will be a six point with some flexibility . Spend time here deciding . Here in SA we can drive race cars on the road so our situation is a little unique to rest of world . With this set up you can then weld in front section and even take it through to shock towers . Don't make my mistake of taking rear section ( C pillar) and mount it to rear wheel guards . Must go to rear shock tower . I should have listened to MD , Mats first time around . :D
7) get race seat but check when doing roll cage it does not interfere

Finally decided how much you want to strip car down but leave engine mods untiil last once your suspension set up is perfect . List above is just a guide so there may be things left out now which can be added .
Most critical item is JK books on v6 motors which you will find at Motor Books in Jan Smuts opposite chatz .
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Ryan88a »

So after some thought and research…it has been decided. I am going to build my car into a road going car, that is race ready for Alfa Trofeo…lots to do!

Here are some pics of my fibre glass 3.0 body parts in progress. Going to shed a few kg’s and look super HOT at the same time! 3.0l bonnet, one piece front bumper/3.0 spoiler, and a straight rear bumper (YES gona ditch the tow bar for sure!).

I am going to keep the same colour. This is what it should look like…after I get to clean the engine bay.

These are my plans for some go faster bits…Dream parts - 3.5 litre 12v; Image
Watts linkage, coupling cage, bolted gearbox mounts, torsion bar adjuster etc.

Lastly this is where I want my GTV to end up with 500hp…  nice to dream.
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Joemart »

yea.... 500hp road going - me too!!!! :wink:
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Ryan88a »

Yip 500 hp is just a dream :lol: I will be lucky if I get even near half or a third of that.

I just want a reliable road going race car, don't need to be a front runner, but just quick enough to have fun!
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by Alfa 75 Racer »

Ciao Ryan 88a !

Can you please tell me where I could get that Torsions spring bar adjustment, ... I would need one for my race Alfa 75.

Waiting for any replay, ... hopefully !!!

Thank´s a lot any many greetings from Austria
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Re: Just bought my new project - '84 GTV 2.5 (2.8 conversion

Post by fedezyl »

Send a message to Kevin, if i recall correctly he got them made in South Africa.
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