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Joined: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:00 pm
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Posting Guidelines / Code of Conduct

Post by Michael »

These guidelines are geared to make sure that we avoid problems and keep the forum on topic and trouble-free. Please take a moment to read through them carefully.

Show Courtesy and Respect to Other Forum Members
Every person on this forum deserves to be treated with courtesy and respect!
Keep your posts on topic and avoid flames and profanity. We are all busy people and nobody wants to spend time wading through lots of purposeless shouting, bad language or personal attacks. The purpose of this forum is to create an environment where participants feel comfortable sharing information about Alfa Romeos. Again, please avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions. Messages that contain flames, profanity or personal attacks may be edited or removed from the forum and your access to the forum may be terminated as consequence of your actions.

Please treat all other forum participants with respect and do not use the AlfaGtv6.com forum features to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse other users. Threats of physical violence against anyone are extremely inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
The administrator and moderators reserve the right to remove content that advocates or encourages expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, obscenity, or profanity.
The administrator may, at will and without notice, remove postings or ban participants that are deemed objectionable or that violate this code of conduct. The administrator reserves the right to block access of AlfaGtv6.com forum features to anyone who has violated this code of conduct.

All content is subject to administrative review upon our receipt of complaints from forum members/visitors. We may also, at our sole discretion, modify or remove content without prior notice. Your participation in our forums, either registered or unregistered, grants to us all rights and privileges to modify or delete your content in accordance with the guidelines set forth here. Your participation also grants to us immunity from all litigation for comments made by others that are deemed to be damaging, misleading, or in any way defamatory.

Do not use the AlfaGtv6.com Forum features to spam others. Spam includes sending identical and irrelevant or unsolicited submissions to many different users, and includes misrepresenting the source of anything you post. Spamming in this forum is a very serious violation of online etiquette.

The Alfa GTV6 forum does not allow behavior or content related to illegal activities. You cannot use AlfaGtv6.com Community features services to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or discussion. You may not use AlfaGtv6.com communications services for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this code of conduct. Impersonating another user is forbidden and will result in the immediate deletion of your user account.

Thanks for your cooperation,
1981 GTV6